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Cassie Changed Her Life with Shakeology and Turbo Fire! – Awesome

Cassie Changed Her Life with Shakeology and Turbo Fire!

Cassie: Before & AfterTell us about your life before you started the program. How did you feel about yourself and your body?
Before I started the working out with Turbo Fire and drinking Shakeology I hated even catching a glimpse of my reflection in a store window. I was always shocked! I’d tell myself to suck my big gut back in and move on. I hated feeling unhealthy, gross, too big for my own clothes, and the reflection I was seeing didn’t show the woman I am!

What inspired you to change your life and begin your transformation journey?
I wasn’t getting to where I wanted to be and I had zero motivation. I would eat well for 2-3 days before I would give up and order a pizza. I also knew that I wanted to have another baby, but I wanted to go into the next pregnancy healthier. It was the inspiration of my son and the motivation of my next baby that made me want to be the best and healthiest mom I could be.

What in particular did you like about the program you chose?*
I liked that it felt fun. It was never too hard that it made me want to throw my hands up and give up. Yet, I would be drenched in sweat by the end of tape. And I really love Chalene Johnson. She’s really motivating and keeps me on track. It was so fun to shake it to the music, and on bad days I would put in ‘Punch Kick and Jam’ and feel like I was beating up my anger.

How did Shakeology® support your transformation? What are the greatest benefits?
I never used to eat breakfast. I would make myself a big pot of french press coffee and sip on it all day until it was time for lunch. Now I make my Shakeology up in the morning, I don’t even need coffee anymore because it gives me so much energy! I crave it! Funny enough my number one craving when I was pregnant was Strawberry smoothies. If only I knew about Shakeology then!

Posted in Heather McDonald, Inspiring Stories. ” Shakeology® Cassie Changed Her Life with Shakeology and Turbo Fire!